Call us at the first sign of lawn disease such as dollar spot, red thread and other lawn diseases. We will analyze and determine the best treatment option for your lawn.
Common Lawn Diseases in Columbus, Ohio
At Green Up, we know how to recognize and treat for many common lawn diseases and fungal issues in the greater Columbus metro area. We are trained through Ohio State University extension classes to learn all the signs and symptoms of common lawn diseases such as:

Read Thread: In late spring to early summer, this disease can develop in lawns with low nitrogen content. It's characterized by circular patches of tan or pink grass The pink color comes from sclerotia, which appear as thread emerging from the blades of grass. Read thread affects our cool-season grasses in Columbus.
Tips to prevent Red Thread: Since the disease loves extra moisture, strictly monitor the watering of your lawn:
Red Thread does end up growing out once the weather begins to warm back up, but we typically see it come back as the temperatures cool back down again and heavy moisture returns. We can apply a fungicide if absolutely necessary, but we try to avoid it since it also kills beneficial fungi in the soil.

Dollar Spot: First arrives in the form of tiny, tan spots that are the size of a silver dollar, hence the name of the disease. In mid summer when temperature is consisently between 60 to 80 degrees F, and humidity is high. Soil is dry and has not gotten any moisture for quite some time.
Tips to prevent Dollar Spot: Good cultural practices - water your lawn deeply, ensure lawn has been aerated, keep your lawn fertilized regularly and mow your lawn properly. You should never cut more than a third of the height of the blade at a time.
When dollar spot arrives, it is not very esy to get rid of, which is why most lawn care experts will recommend a preventative course of treatment instead. Fungicide treatments can work if needed, but they are usually not the ideal way to treat for lawn diseases. In order to effectively treat for and control dollar spot when the climate is right for its development, cultural practices play an important role - mowing, fertilization, and irrigating properly is vital.

Pythium Blight: The disease loves moisture-rich areas and spreads quickly in the heat of summer when the dewpoint is high. Signs include - small spots of grass that appear slimy and dark, white cotton-like structures emerging from the grass in early morning hours and shriveled grass blades.
Tips to prevent Pythium Blight: Adjust watering schedule during the times that you know the grass is prone to catch the disease. If there are any areas with poor drainage, consider having that area regraded.