At Green Up, we are passionate about helping people achieve the best looking lawns they can. We do this by providing top-notch lawn care services such as core aeration. Core aeration is the process of removing small plugs of soil from your lawn to allow the soil to better absorb water and nutrients, giving your lawn a deeper root system and a more beautiful appearance.

Core aeration improves air and water movement through the soil.
Helps roots grow deeper, which provides a stronger healthy grass plant.
Aeration will help reduce thatch. Excessive thatch in a lawn will prevent nutrients and water from getting down to the roots.
Reduces soil compaction.
Aeration is a natural way to help provide a thick, healthy turf, thus preventing weeds and crabgrass from germinating.
Turf varieties like perennial rye and Kentucky bluegrass can perform great in the spring when conditions are ideal, but then fade out in the heat and stress of summer. The Ohio State University recommends Turf Type Tall Fescue (TTTF) as the best grass type for our climate zone. TTTF is much hardier than bluegrass and perennial rye. It will perform well with less water and fertilizer and is naturally resistant to pests and disease.
Here's the reality: If your lawn is mostly perennial rye, it will not perform well, even with a lot of water during hot weather. It is also much more likely to sustain insect or fungus damage. The single most important thing to do, if you want to improve your lawn's appearance and performance is to overseed with TTTF.

When is the right time for Overseeding Columbus Lawns?
Overseeding lawns should be done in late summer and into early fall. There are many reasons for this. With fall germination, the young grass will have two or three months to become better established before temperatures drop too low and growth stops. Next spring, the young grass plants will have another few months to develop deeper and stronger roots before the summer heat sets in. This is the primary reason, but there are a few other important reasons.

Soil temperatures are still warm in the fall, which is necessary for seed germination, while cooler temperatures are better for grass growth. Columbus spring temperatures are unpredictable, keeping soil temps fluctuating.
Rainfall amounts and soil moisture is generally better in the fall. Ohio springtime daily rainfall amounts could wash away valuable seed before it gets a chance to germinate.
Overseeding lawns in the fall reduces or eliminates competition from summer weedy grasses, such as crabgrass.
Overseeding in the fall gives the grass a head start. The roots have become established before winter, which greatly reduces plant loss, should we have a hot and dry spring.